I guide Executives through a structured yet nurturing process of exploring their internal terrain as a means of driving breakthroughs and attaining peak performance.

  1. First, we will identify the limiting patterns stopping you from stepping forward fully into your next chapter. Your very awareness of these underlying mechanics unlocks power in that you’ll suddenly be able to catch yourself engaging in unhelpful habits and make different, conscious decisions that change your outcomes.

  2. Next, we pinpoint the root causes beneath these unhelpful patterns. These are almost always traceable to early life. It can be challenging to look back at these experiences, but when you do so with my help, and with compassion for your former self, you’ll become able to move into a state of acceptance of your past. Acceptance is important because it reduces your resistance to taking meaningful action.

  3. Then you’re ready to take forward-moving action. We map out your goals and identify the precise steps needed to achieve your targeted outcomes.

  4. Now it’s time to move into execution. I’ll shift into more of a tactical guidance and advisory role for specific challenges that arise, and will work with you to consistently hone your mindset so you can continue to advance toward and achieve your targets.

In continuing to work with me, your goals will expand beyond your imagination. You will experience successive breakthroughs to new echelons of clarity, fulfillment, and performance.


As you begin role modeling new attitudes and behaviors, the people around you will take notice. Your colleagues, team, and personal and professional contacts will intuitively feel more comfortable around you. This shift promotes trust, communication, collaboration, and it drives improved results across all areas of your business and life.

Soon, to varying degrees, these people will adopt your more open energy and growth-oriented mindset and their ability to perform and achieve greater fulfillment will increase, too. As the ripple effect ensues, our coaching work creates widespread performance upgrades and advancement toward fulfillment, and our culture changes for the better.